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The organisation shall have the following objectives
The Organisation shall move ahead by closely observing confusions seen among the latest generations to be caused by effects due to their associations and involvement in different occupations and works,location and social context. The Organisation aims to establish the Sherpa caste as a respected one in the nation by keeping their language, culture and tradition alive which are on the verge of extinction and ensuring their higher presence in the social sector. The Organisation shall, in consultation and participation of every patron, general, honorary and life time member(s) and advisor (S), conduct non-profitable programmes for the wellbeing of humans.
No activities of the Organisation shall be in contravention of the Organisation statute and Nepal's law.With these commitments, the Organisation was established in 2059 BS.

Main Objectives of the Organisation

  • To conduct various programmes with the support and cooperation from the Government of Nepal and national and foreign organizations, firms, agencies and citizens as well.
  • To conduct programmes in coordination with other existing Sherpa-related organisations for the
    protection and promotion of the Sherpa language, art, religion and culture.
  • To organize healthy entertainment–related programmes, picnic,seminars and gatherings by continuing with study, research, dissemination, publication and training.
  • To carry out cleanliness and maintenance works at the Buddhist shrines (Bihar, Gumba, Chaitya, and Stupa).
  • To conduct programmes related to health, drinking water, sanitation and cleanliness in coordination with authorities concerned.
  • To provide financial assistance for hardworking students from low income Sherpa families to assist in their education.
  • To honour any personality making valuable contributions to and earning expertise in any sector.
  • To conduct environmental programmes aim to maintain ecological balance.
  • To carry out repair, maintenance and management works at public places like community health clinics, schools and patipausa( resting place) in coordination with various donor agencies by utlislising and mobilizing locally available natural resources.
  • To make maximum efforts to provide respects and protection to helpless children, women, seniorcitizens, persons with physical disabilities and those who are in need.

To undertake any social work not prohibited by Nepal's law can be to meet the objective of the

Bank account details: 

Bank Name Prabhu Bank Limited
Account Name Sherpa Kiduk Sankhuwasabha
Account Number 0860056097300041
Bank Address Lainchour Branch, Kathmandu, Nepal